Youth Leadership
The Lodge Chief, Vice Chief of Administration, Vice Chief of Program, and Vice Chief of Finance and Tradition are Arrowmen elected to one-year terms by their fellow Arrowmen during the Annual Business Meeting at Fall Fellowship.
Lodge Chief

Thomas Humphreys
Thomas is an Eagle Scout out of Troop 331 in Collierville and a Discovery out of Crew 8 in Memphis. He is currently a Freshman at The University of Memphis. Thomas joined Scouting when he was in first grade as a Tiger. He has attended NYLT, NLS, and The National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience at Philmont Scout Reservation, and has staffed as the Youth Course Leader for the 2023 Chickasaw Council NYLT Course. Thomas was inducted in 2018, received his brotherhood in 2019, and kept his vigil in 2022. He has held multiple leadership positions in the Ahoalan-Nachpikin Lodge including Youth Inductions Coordinator, Fall Fellowship Chair, and served as the 2023 Lodge Chief. Outside of Scouts you might find Thomas doing anything from 3D printing, playing games, drinking coffee, or even going to Disney World.
Vice Chief of Administration

Dean A.
Dean is an Eagle Scout out of the Chickasaw Council and a Vigil Honor member of the Ahoalan-Nachpikin Lodge. He is currently a senior in high school and will be attending The University of Tennessee, Knoxville in the fall. Dean was inducted in 2019, received his brotherhood in 2020, and kept his vigil in 2022. Dean enjoys spending time outdoors, running, and experimenting with computers as a hobby.
Vice Chief of Program

Cadence W.
Cadence is an Eagle Scout, class of 2022, from Troop 1G in Olive Branch. She is also very active in Venture Crew 8 in Memphis. Cadence is currently a senior in high school and aspires to go to Mississippi State University; she plans to eventually become a state or national park ranger after college. She was one of the few girls who joined Scouts BSA in 2019. Since then, she has served her troop as SPL, ASPL, Troop Guide, and Outdoor Ethics Guide and has served her crew as Secretary. She has attended NYLT (2021), NAYLE (2022), NLS (2023), and Woodbadge (2023). Cadence was inducted into the OA in 2021 and received her Brotherhood in 2022. While Scouting is her main extracurricular activity as she is homeschooled, she works at her local Chick-fil-A and has been for two years. In her free time, Cadence enjoys listening to music, reading, coloring, and spending time with family.
Vice Chief of Finance and Tradition

Ashton B.
Ashton is a Life Scout out of Troop 455 in Lakeland and a Venturing Scout out of Crew 8 in Memphis. He is currently a freshman at Lakeland Preparatory School. Ashton joined scouts as a wolf in second grade. He has attended NYLT and NLS. Ashton was inducted in 2021 and received his Brotherhood in 2022. He has had several positions in the Ahoalan-Nackpikin Lodge including Ceremonies Chair and Lodge Secretary. Outside of Scouts you might find Ashton doing anything from playing guitar, backpacking, playing basketball, or even welding.